Who bottles the sounds and sights of fall better than Robert Frost? (If you’re wondering about the title and you didn’t take English courses in college, look up “Gathering Leaves.”) While fall is so gloriously spectacular–the one season when the colors of the earth manage to pierce the monotony of traffic and gray skyline here–there’s still a sadness to it because it always reminds me of the passage of time. Even Halloween is bittersweet. We spend the entire month of October picking pumpkins, apples, sipping cider, chowing down candy, and we’ll do all those things again next year and these activities will feel just as familiar and as new as they always do. But it will be different because Anna will be another year older, with different thoughts and points of view and we’ll be different parents and a different family.
Anna took this photo during a recent fall foliage stroll through the New York Botanical Gardens. She loves going on nature photography walks.