A hectic work schedule has left me feeling like a zombie. It’s not that I have forgotten that I have a blog, it’s that I have forgotten that I have thoughts. Life has been operating at two speeds lately–full speed and no speed.
I can’t say, however, it’s been all work and no play. For some reason, November has been the Month to Enjoy New York City. Anna enjoyed her second subway ride (her first took place in January 2004 when she was in utero and unable to enjoy the diversity that fills each subway car), some rice and chicken in Chinatown, and a stop at the Toys R Us in Times Square.
But it didn’t end there. A few weeks later, we were invited to enjoy watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade from a friend’s office that overlooks the parade route on Broadway. This turned out to be an absolutely awesome experience. Not every New York experience is a great one. Mike and I went to a Yankees game in September–our first visit to the famous House that Ruth Built. I’m not sure what I expected, but what I did not expect was feeling claustrophobic in an ugly cement trap that felt more like the Bronx circa 1975 than anything Babe Ruth might’ve created. So I was really thrilled that seeing the Thanksgiving parade in person turned out to be better than watching it on TV! Without commercials, obnoxious Broadway performances, and Al Roker, it’s a pretty taut, old-fashioned parade that’s over in two hours. Nothing beats watching Kermit the Frog’s inflated derriere float by down below while sipping coffee and noshing on a bagel. Now that’s a New York moment.